Workforce Privacy Notice

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

On the 25th May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be applicable and the current Data Protection Act (DPA) will be updated by a new Act giving effect to its provisions.

Its purpose is to protect European citizens from organisations using their data irresponsibly and allows individuals greater control over the information an organisation holds about them. This statement explains what information we will hold, why we need it, what we will do with it, how long we will keep it for, who can access your information and what your rights are.

What We Need

In order to provide care and support within the nursery, we need to maintain records which may include the following:

  • Personal details such as your name, date of birth, next of kin, GP details etc.
  • Medical history, including details of any disability, medication and health background.
  • Relevant information from other professionals, relatives and those who care for you
  • Financial information.

Why We Need It

As part of the pre-admission process we collect personal information to make sure we can safely meet your needs.

We use this information to:

  • Improve the management of workforce data across the sector and assist in the running of the Nursery.
  • Contact your next of kin in case of an emergency.
  • To protect vulnerable individuals, and the prevention and detection of crime.
  • To enable ethnicity and disability monitoring.
  • To work in partnership with anyone connected to the nursery.

Whilst the majority of information you provide to us is mandatory, some of it is provided to us on a voluntary basis. In order to comply with data protection legislation, we will inform you whether you are required to provide certain information to us or if you have a choice in this.

What we do with it

  • We will always make sure that your information is protected and treated securely.
  • Records, files and supporting documents held as paper records are stored in a locked filing cabinet. Information stored on a computer is password protected.
  • Information about you will not be shared with anyone without your consent or permission unless the law allows us to. Davison Day Nursery is committed to keeping your data safe and has a number of policies, procedures and plans in place to ensure that all data is protected and handled in a compliant manner.

How long we keep it

Personal data will not be retained by the Nursery for longer than necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected.

Who can access your information

Your information is only shared with your explicit consent or when the Nursery is legally required to do so.

Organisations that may request information may include:

  • GPs, Health Visitors or other health professionals
  • Hospitals
  • Ofsted

What are your rights

  • You have a right to request to see the information the nursery holds about you.
  • You have a right to correct any information the nursery holds about you.
  • You have the right to request that any information held by the nursery is erased.
  • You have the right to request the nursery keeps your data but does not use it.
  • You have the right to object how the nursery is using your data.
  • You have the right to request that your information is shared with a third party.
  • You have the right to change your references about what information the nursery holds about you and who it is shared with.
  • You have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (see below)

Your requests need to be made to the Nursery Manager who may direct your enquiry to the Data Protection Officer. The DPO is Mr Anthony Davies (Davison High School) 01903 233835

Additionally, we must inform you if we believe that your data has been accidentally lost or inappropriately disclosed.

How to complain about the use of your data

If you are unhappy with the way your request has been handled, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The ICO can be contacted at

          The Information Commissioner’s Office
          Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow
          Cheshire, SK9 5AF